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Ambassador Troy Casey explains Amazon Herbs in detail. THIS IS THE EAGLE & CONDOR PROPHESY IN ACTION! *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. MIKE ADAMS: The Amazon Herb Company is clearly on the leading edge of harvesting, blending and distributing rainforest botanicals, and they have strong business ethics and demonstrate great care for the environment. Perhaps in some parallel universe all businesses act with integrity and compassion for the Earth, but here in modern society today, the Amazon Herb Company is a rare find. I encourage everyone to take a close look at what this company (and its products) can do for you. I’ve been researching these products for quite some time and recently took a trip to South America to interview people and research these herbs first hand. What I found is a powerful system of medicine based on rainforest herbs that can literally reverse serious diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, depression, joint inflammation and many more. Better yet, these herbs are naturally bio-compatible with the human body, meaning they have no negative side effects and operate at levels of safety that are orders of magnitude better than most prescription drugs. (They’re also a whole lot more affordable than prescription medications…) Sound too good to be true? That’s what I thought at first, too. But then I took the time to meet

