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Like most parents, you probably have at least one or two of your child’s old backpacks stuffed away in their closet, the garage, or many other possible places.  Well, here is a way to give that unused and forgotten backpack a new lease on life, and help you get a little more organized without breaking the bank.

It is pretty obvious because of the weight of books that they carry, that most backpacks are well constructed with several zipper closed compartments.  I decided to fill the larger section of the backpack with car jumper cables, and the smaller compartment with a First Aid Kit.  As you may have already guessed, this bag is going in the trunk of the car when it’s done. 

To start, using some puffy fabric paint, label the different compartment by use on the front side of the backpack.  Puffy paints are fun and easy to use-something you may want to get your young children involved in.  It’s so simple, since all you have to do is to squeeze the paint out of the bottle right on to the fabric.  For this project, we used bright purple and neon green colors.  But any color of your choice would work just fine.  Once the paint dries to a touch, the letters will have a cool puffy three dimensional look to them.  Your recycled backpack is now ready for the car.  Every time I now open the trunk and see the backpack, those childhood memories of my child come rushing back, and so will yours I’m sure.

Another way to recycle your child’s used backpack would be to fill the larger section of the backpack with a couple of beach towels, a few books, or a pair of flip flops (sandals that is).  Then, fill the smaller compartment with sun lotion, sun screen, and sun glasses.  Go ahead, be creative.  It is your backpack.  The next time you get ready for a day in the sun, your recycled backpack will be ready to go.  Keep it handy in the garage or in your car.  Not only will this save you time, but you’ll have something cute and original that your kids can participate in designing.

Linda Johnson is a degreed and experienced crafter and interior/exterior decorating specialist, with years of experience helping friends, family, and clients solve their decorating and craft needs. Linda and her contributing writers invite you to submit your own great ideas for free, and also find tons more craft ideas and decorating projects like this with photos to try yourself.

