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Came An alternative university — self exploration, active learning, sustainability, natural health, organic vegetarian meals. Consciousness-Based education focuses on developing each student’s inner potential through the natural, effortless practice of Transcendental Meditation. Block system — by taking one full-time course per month, students eliminate the stress of homework and exams in 4 or 5 classes at once Students learn more… without the stress.Accredited through the doctoral level by the Higher Learning Commission. This video was filmed by MUM students. At MUM, Consciousness-Based education connects everything you learn to the underlying wholeness of life. So each class becomes relevant, because the knowledge of that subject is connected with your own inner intelligence. You study traditional subjects, but you also systematically cultivate your inner potential developing your creativity and learning ability. Your awareness expands, improving your ability to see the big picture, and to relate to others. Maharishi University of Management (MUM) offers undergraduate and graduate degree programs in the arts, sciences, business, and humanities. The University is accredited through the doctoral level by the Higher Learning Commission. Founded in 1971 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the University features Consciousness-Based education to develop students’ inner potential. All students and faculty practice the Transcendental Meditation technique, which extensive

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Can I Put Plastic Containers In The Recycling Bin That Laundry Soap Came In?

November 10, 2009

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