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A lot of news has been generated over how cars are contributing to the global warming and climate change issues that are happening around the world. Cars cough up a lot of Carbon Dioxide as well as other harmful fumes which many manufacturers are now trying to cut down on. More economical and environmentally friendly technologies are now being investigated with the hope to make driving cleaner cars something we’ll be able to do in the future.

At the moment there are cars available that are hybrid fuel which means that they have a petrol tank like normal cars but also have a battery that drives an electric engine too. The electrical engine is able to power the car at lower speeds and general driving whereas when you need more power and speed then the petrol engine kicks in. There are quite a few cars available now that are hybrid as well as some cars that run solely on electricity.

Toyota Prius
The Toyota Prius was one of the first Hybrid cars made available to the public and has an impressive green rating that includes high MPG and low carbon output. A recent redesign has added many more industry leading technology to help put the Prius back to the top of the deck with regards to hybrid cars again.

Honda Civic
The Honda Civic has been a popular family car and the sports and Type-R models have done well in the past also. The interesting green credential that the Honda FCX Clarity engine has is that because it is fuelled by hydrogen it means that the only output from the engine is steam and some hot water.

Cadillac Escalade Hybrid SUV
The Escalade has to be one of the most unlikely green cars out at the moment, especially considering the regular model is well known for being the ultimate in celebrity excess and a poor MPG. The hybrid model though comes with all of the luxury of the gas guzzler but with a fuel consumption of 21mpg from its 26 gallon fuel tank.

GM Volt/Vauxhall Ampera
The GM Volt will soon be being built here in the UK with Vauxhall branding and the name change to Ampera, no doubt derived from the word Ampere used to measure electrical current. The Ampera has an onboard generator that is powered by fuel but the car itself only runs on electricity which is different from current hybrids which use both an electric and gasoline engine in tandem.

Tesla Roadster
A similar engine is used in the Ampera except the Tesla Roadster is again solely fuelled by electricity but looks and performs like a super car. The Tesla has been known to reach up to 244 miles from one charge which is an immense distance considering the general reputation of electric cars. All of this with a 0 to 60mph time of 3.9 seconds!

If you want to buy a newer hybrid or electric car but have found trouble raising the funds you require, then check out the car credit and other car finance deals that can help you to buy the car that you have your eye on.


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November 17, 2009

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