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Global warming. Controversial to say the very least. Scientists on both sides have mountains of evidence to suggest that humans are either having a devastating impact on the earth’s climate or it’s just the natural climate change like any number of other climate changes the earth has gone through in its history. Whichever side you support going green can be more than just taking responsibility for the now; it can be taking responsibility for our future.

Carbon Reduction In Our Atmosphere
If you are of the belief that humans are the primary cause of climate change then you feel it is important to reduce your total carbon footprint. In fact you may already be taking the necessary steps to reduce your footprint.

If, however, you feel that humans are not the primary cause of Global Warming you should look at reducing your carbon footprint regardless and here’s why? Most green technology that is now coming online is more cost effective and efficient. For example by just switching to compact fluorescent light bulbs in a home the average US household saves over $150 per year. In this economy that kind of savings can really start to add up.

Changes You Can Make
The first thing most experts agree on when it comes time to “go green” is to start with your own home. Sure you can purchase tree credits and carbon offsets, but the first greatest impact you can make on your carbon footprint starts at home. And to those of you who feel that the process of global warming is not man made, realize that most of these methods actually reduce your energy use and dependence which actually reduces your monthly bills. It’s also helpful to look at this from the standpoint of by reducing now you leave a little bit more for the future at lower cost. The less energy we can take now the more we will have for the future. So save a little energy now and save a little money all at the same time.

Now some of the things that you can do:

– Change Your Light Bulbs to Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs. Saves energy and money.

– Add an insulating blanket to your hot water heater or convert to a tankless hot water heater.

– Put electronics on surge protectors and unplug them when not in use.

– Replace older appliances with new Energy Star compliant. Some even have rebates!

– If your car gets less than 25mpg it might be time to trade it in for a new hybrid.

– Try adjusting the thermostat to be a tad cooler in the winter and a tad warmer in the summer. The savings alone will make that extra sweater in the winter or the tank top in the summer worth it.

– Take reusable bags with you whenever you go shopping. You will save on plastic, which will reduce carbon. If you use to use paper you will reduce deforestation. It’s just good all the way around.

Whatever side you believe in, whether human caused or natural progression of the earth, going green transcends political views and becomes something that can help and affect everyone involved. Whether you are doing it to save the planet, or doing it to save some money, feel good and just do it.

Going green can be easy and Todd Williams wants to show more companies how to go green. Through his thought filled articles and green company he is helping companies and individuals reach social responsibility.


Clear Choice Awards 2008-sustainable-orangeco, Nc Recycling

January 31, 2010

Sponsored by the Glass Packaging Institute, the Clear Choice Awards honors consumer product goods manufacturers who expand the frontiers of glass packaging design. Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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#4 Clear Glass Recycling

December 22, 2009

I’m sorry, I don’t have time for vlogging today, I’ve got to get the glass recycled. A 26 mile drive to Salida, CO, where I stock the bin full of frappuccino and lipton tea bottles. Happy Birthda… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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