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In which Rosianna races through a few things you could think about: 1. One Water 2. Recycling (it’s not that much extra effort, promise! If you don’t have a good system in place, complain to your local government!) 3. Fair Trade (mmm chocolate) 4. Organics and Free Ranges 5. Know where it’s from 6. Victory Gardens! You’re absolutely certain where it’s all from then… plus Pimms tastes better with garden mint, promise! 7. The Whaleman Foundation: or Other thoughts – second hand clothes (vintage is good!), books (lovely old book smell) and so much more – reheeling shoes, not just tossing them away (I know, I know, it’s a fantastic excuse to buy new ones but reheeling is so much cheaper) – cook more at home, reduce packaging, reduce suck, life is good


The Importance of Consuming Food Containing Vitamin B12

June 7, 2010

Cobalamin, more commonly known as vitamin B12, is vital for the role it plays in the synthesis of DNA and RNA(2). Vitamin B12 aids in the metabolism of fat and carbohydrates, and in the formation of red blood cells. It also helps keep neurological balance. The dangers of vitamin B12 deficiency A vitamin B12 deficiency […]

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