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It seems many gardeners on YouTube haven’t discovered BT (yet) to combat cabbage worms. So, I thought I’d do a video on this product. You are basically infecting the little catepillars with a disease that paralyzes their digestive tract. They sicken and die soon after ingesting this bacterium. So, it’s an organic choice as well to get rid of those ANNOYING worms! I also “demonstrate” an organic method of getting rid of the Colorado Potato bug larva.


Electric Car Conversion Kits – Useful Tips On Dealing With Them

December 26, 2009

An electric car conversion kit will allow an individual to make a gasoline propelled vehicle into an electric vehicle. If you are interested in electric car conversion kits, they are available from vendors to use in a do-it-yourself form. You should research the best types of cars suited for the electric car conversion kit as […]

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Information On Dealing With Garden Pests

December 19, 2009

If we could garden without any interference from the pests which attack plants, then indeed gardening would be a simple matter. But all the time we must watch out for these little foes little in size, but tremendous in the havoc they make. As human illness may often be prevented by healthful conditions, so pests […]

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