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More and more Biofuels are produced to, for example, let cars run. But the question remains: is this a good alternative or does it turn out to be a disaster? Watch this and other videos about alternative energy here:


Hydro-Horror: Lessons of disaster

July 12, 2011

Nobody ever thought something could happen to one of the most powerful stations in the world. The most reliable and Eco-friendly object which could serve forever. What happened one day? Looked like a nightmare or a Hollywood blockbuster – but it was reality. What led to this catastrophe? And what this catastrophe can lead to? […]

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Disaster Epidemiology: Public Health Surveillance

February 6, 2010

Epidemiologists play an important role in assessing the health effects of natural and man-made disasters and in identifying the factors that contribute to these effects. Join Wayne Enanoria Ph.D.,… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Disaster Preparedness: Natural Disasters

January 2, 2010

Earthquakes, fires, floods. Natural disasters come in all shapes and sizes. If one hits your community, will you be ready? Do you understand the systems in place to respond to these disasters and… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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