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Many of us have them by the hundreds. They pile up in our pantries because we just can’t seem to throw them away. If only it were some type of currency, it may solve our nation’s debt issues.

It’s the plastic shopping bag.

Apartmentites, it’s time to get those creative juices flowing. We know those little bags are re-usable, which is why we stuff them on a shelf in the pantry or under the sink. But what can we use them for?

We’ve put together a small list of helpful ideas that may put that balled up wad of 1000 plastic bags to good use. Next time try re-using those plastic bags as a/an:

Umbrella-ella-ella– It’s raining outside and you don’t want to get your hair wet? Easy. Cover your head with a plastic shopping bag. ***MAKE SURE NOT TO COVER YOUR FACE OR INHIBIT BREATHING***

Abrasive Scrubber– Need something to clean the grime off of your grill or scrub the tub? Go ahead and wad up a few bags into a plastic ball-like sponge and scrub away.

Trash Bag– Probably the most common use, we all know that these bags make great trash bags for the kitchen, bathroom, office, or bedroom. They work really great in the car too!

Laundry Bags– Sure, one bag probably won’t fit all of your laundry, but fill a few plastic bags up with your dirties and suddenly you have yourself some cheap laundry bags.

Pooper Scooper– Gross, I know, but if you are without an actual scoop and need something to pick up Fido’s feces, nothing comes in more handy than a plastic shopping bag. Also, works great to line Mittens’ litter box too.

Packing Material– Forget those little peanuts that get everywhere. When packing up your fragile items in boxes for your next move, stuff plastic shopping bags all around the items inside the box to insure their safety. Heck if you don’t have a lot of stuff to move, you could even use the bags as your “boxes.”

Scrubs– Need a quick foot cover? Tie one of those bad boys on each foot and suddenly you have cheap and easy scrubs. You can also do the same thing over dirty shoes to keep the carpet clean. (Don’t try to use them to walk on water though. It will absolutely not work)

Doggie Bags/Lunch Box– Another common use, plastic shopping bags tend to work great for sending those leftovers home with dinner guests or sending Junior to school with a packed lunch.

Organizational Bins– Need to keep some things separate and organized? Use bags labeled with a sharpee.

Recycle them– Many markets and grocery stores now offer some type of recycling program for these bags, so if you don’t want to re-use them around the apartment…check there for recycling options.

We could go on and on about the various uses that plastic shopping bags can be used and hope that those few ideas can get you started on some of your own uses.

As a Managing Partner of Apartment Home Living, Jeff wants to help you find the right apartment by getting to know you. At AHL Apartmentites have a platform to share their own stories, get great info & tips on apartment living, read Jeff’s entertaining blogs/stories, and have a ton of fun sharing their love of apartment living with others. Don’t forget to go and set up your own MyPlace page to really get the full Apartmentite experience!

