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This is really weird. I’ve never had this happen in my garden. Post a comment if you know what happened or if something strange happened in your garden. No, I’m not talking about the time you buried that body in your garden. We all know about that. I mean something REALLY weird! 🙂 Ok this sucks. A mosquito is actually drinking blood from my pinkie finger as I type this. I’m not kidding. Apparently she can’t wait till I’m done typing to drain my blood. By the way she says to say “Hi”. Ok that was weird and polite at the same time. 🙂


Australia’s forestry crisis: How it happened and what to do

September 4, 2010

Dr Judith Ajani of the Fenner School of Environment and Society at The Australian National University gives this public lecture called ‘Australia’s forestry crisis: How it happened and what to do’ at ANU on 6 May 2010. Many plantation managed investment companies have collapsed. A pulp mill proposal struggles to find financiers. A stock exchange […]

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