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Nowadays, homemakers look for variety when it comes to home renovation. Ceramic, granite and porcelain brought a classic trend in home decoration. However, these materials have become common. You can find them in every alternate home or workplace. Thus, it’s high time one looks for an alternative to these tiles.

Glass tiles have emerged as a revolution, ever since it came into existence. There is something magical about it. It’s beautiful and royal. One can’t ignore the difference it brings to a project. They are popular as a kitchen back splash or a wall decoration. All you need to do is appoint a professional tiler and ask him to install the tiles with perfection.

The glass tiles are the perfect choice when it comes to hygiene. These tiles forbid bacterial growth due to its non-absorbent property. These tiles don’t absorb water or stains that get spilled on its surface. Hence, it reduces the maintenance costs. Homemakers can blot the surface with warm water and a soft sponge.

Several eco-conscious people prefer glass tiles over their counterparts. These tiles are recycled from your everyday glass materials. You can also get them recycled and install them in your homes. Moreover, its luster is similar to a brand new glass tile. There color variations are frequently used to design a mosaic pattern.

However, the biggest challenge with the glass tile is its durability. These tiles have the tendency to break due to high foot traffic. Hence, one should use them in areas that experience less stress and strain. They are ideal as wall tiles. Some of the tiles might get broken during the installation. So, purchase some extra tiles to avoid any last minute issues.

Therefore, homemakers believe that glass tiles are fabulous when it comes to beauty and royalty. It can convert an average home into a luxurious living space.

Jason Colling is a renowned writer who has written articles on various interior designing techniques related to floor decor. His articles focus on various uses of porcelain tiles, slate tiles, Glass tiles and granite tiles, floor tiles and adhesives.


Longmeadow Households Recycle With Pay As You Throw Program

November 26, 2009

The town of Longmeadow is one community with a “pay-as-you-throw” trash program. Longmeadow residents place one barrel a week on the curb for collection, for free with unlimited recycling. Extra ga… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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