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During my last visit to the council I did a quick run for a couple of kilometres from the Tuesday service area to the clean-up zone to catch this truck. I only had to run through a few streets, where I came to be standing on the main road and caught the flashing beacon of this rig in the distance. I was hoping to bump into the really old Formula 5000 that they used to have on clean-up, but a few days earlier found out it had been moved down to Canberra, which totally sucked! Instead I got to video this JP5 collecting all the un-wanted junk that had been tossed out onto the kerb. There wasn’t as much material out compared to what I expected, but there were still a few nice piles put out for collection – the one in this video was a MUST to get on video… where does one household keep all this garbage?! Anyway hope you enjoy the clean-up videos I took, please rate and comment, and I would like to give a cheers to these two cool garbos. If you haven’t already, check out the videos of the garbage, recycling, greens and units… Body Make: MacDonald Johnston Model: 19m JP5 Chassis: International Acco Council: Hurstville City Contractor: Cleanaway (Transpacific Industries) Collection Type: Clean-Up / Bulk-Waste

