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“What are Canadians doing to evolve from where we are today into our diversified, renewable and sustainable new energy future?” Green Mondays™ is a pilot program for an independently produced, weekly TV/web cast that seeks to answer the most burning question of our day. It’s based on the Made-in-Alberta™ project, which has been showcasing Alberta initiatives in energy conservation, energy efficiency, renewable energy and sustainable development since 2004. Made-in-Alberta™ is independently produced by Barb Allard in partnership with Shaw TV Capital Region. Now, Barb and her new team are looking to take New Energy Stories™ to a wider audience. This pilot program contains an example of the developing new look of Made-in-Alberta™ plus four new segments. These segments are designed for a magazine-style show to be combined with New Energy Stories™ from franchise production houses in each region in which it is broadcast. Some of the new segments provide to sponsors their own forum for telling Canadians about green or energy-saving initiatives, or about how one specific employee or member is “saving the world”. Other segments provide a voice to the average “Canadian on the street”, and another provides an international context to the new energy evolution. Most importantly, the New Energy Stories™ remain an independent investigation into our emerging new energy future. This program is copyright Barb Allard 2008. It is for preview only. Please contact Barb Allard for licensing and

