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The Juicycle® classic is a sturdy pedal-assisted ‘health fountain’, or quick-change platform for milling and fresh food blending. You push (or cleat into) bike pedals, and the Juicycle re-directs leg energy to the attached accessory, hands guide-in fresh produce, producing fruit, vegetable, nut, or grain renderings effeciently. The Juicycle® has the capacity to liquefy 2 to 10 ounces per minute of fresh farm produce, adaptable to a wide range of physical abilities. The resulting fresh liquid food contains naturally occurring nourishment and immediate refreshment. This prime-mover contraption offers a convenient adult-height, arms-reach location by incorporating an open-face, counter-rotating power take-off wheel, one spoke pushes the handle of a clamped, hand-cranked food processor. The primary wheels’ universal inertia and chain drive/ratio adjusting mechanism creates a load engaging/slippage treatment innovation, and leads to misalignment-tolerant, organic treatment and no metal welding is required. Juicycle ® – perfect permaculture — with little effort. Pedal-powered tincture & beverage extraction systems since 1990 Do-it-yourself plans available.

