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To everyone who does not believe oil is the reason we are in Iraq! Hot from the ABC news one hour ago. Strangely (or maybe not) channel 7 and 9 ignored this news story. So close to an election John Howard has found himself back peddling,(again). Thankfully for Australians who are paying attention to the news so far only one channel has reported the event that in no uncertain terms breaks apart any misconception as to why Australia was/is involved in Iraq. With so many lies, and countless (George Bush has made it illegal to keep an official death count) deaths of innocent Iraqi people, and the needless deaths and injuries of thousands of soldiers, all it has come down to is OIL. What a surprise….Prime Minister


Reason #333 & #104 to Support The Land Conservancy of BC

June 22, 2010

Pearson College students take a few moments to share their insight on why they find TLC’s mandate important to British Columbians. Please join now at Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Recycled Bags and The Reason That Environmentally Responsible Buyers Should Buy and Utilize

January 19, 2010

Recycled bags are appearing both for you to purchase, or carry off at no cost with your groceries in. Is this “greenwash” or sustainable recycling? Well, this is where we tell you what we think. Recycled bags obtainable at the fashion end of the market range and more prosaically as on the house items when […]

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What Would Be A Reason Someone Wouldn’t Want To Build A Green Building?

December 1, 2009

{questions} Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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