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There is a lot of talk in the eco friendly world about recycling. Recycling, is of course highly important if we are to ensure the generations to come, are not burdened with our waste, but there is more to recycling than just placing our glasses and paper in recycling bins.

Repurposing is a form of recycling where, instead of placing materials in a recycling bin to be sent away and recycled, you find another use for them yourself.

There are many ways of reusing and recycling things we no longer need or use and here are five of my favourite repurposing tips:

5. Old CDs as bird scarers – quite a lot of gardeners and allotment owners have found a great way of reusing old CDs and those discs that get sent from Internet companies through the post. By hanging the CDs on a line above your seedlings they will deter the birds as they revolve and shimmer – highly effective by all accounts.

4. Turning old woollen wear into cushion covers. Sweaters and jumpers that have become worn or frayed can be turned into cushion covers by simply cutting off the arms and sewing them up along with the neck.

3. T-shirts into reusable shopping bags. By using a similar method, old t-shirts can be turned into shopping bags. Just cut off the arms, stitch them and the bottom up and you can use the neck seam as a handle by opening up the shoulders.

2. Make your own candles. You can melt old candles down in a flower pot or other small receptacle to create new ones.

Old bottles and jars can make attractive glassware

1. Jars and bottles into glassware. Old jars and bottles can be tuned into glassware and can look quite stylish. Only perhaps for the more skilled crafts person but often these sorts of repurposed products can be bought

Richard N Williams is interested in green innovations and writes about them. Please visit our website if you are interested in Recycling or other eco-friendly products


