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We now have 2009 Edition Rife Handbooks in stock! Get your copy at – New in this edition: A complete index, twice as many pages, updated content, hardcover instead of paperback, and much more. Don’t miss our other Rife-related books and DVDs available from . We also have Nenah Sylver’s presentation from the most recent Rife International Health Conference on DVD. What is inside this new 2009 Hardcover Edition Rife Handbook? The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy, with a Holistic Health Primer, is a 760 page book which takes a very detailed and well referenced look at the background of both allopathic (conventional) and holistic (complimentary) medicine, before introducing the reader to Rife resonance therapy, based on the work of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife. Just about every aspect of Rife Therapy is covered in detail in a well structured and understandable way, which is suitable for beginners and experts alike. It is the result of more than 12 years of intensive research in collaboration with just about every expert in this field. In simple terms, Rife therapy uses the resonance effect to treat disease in a similar way to how a wine glass is destroyed when an opera singer sings at the correct note. Rife therapy was originally developed to treat cancer and is now also widely used to treat Lyme disease, arthritis and many other diseases using specific electrically generated frequencies. In the USA, Rife therapy is used by many thousands of

