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Soda Siphons are an “Active Green” product, meaning that consumers  are actively reducing their CO2 footprint every time they make soda  or sparkling water at home instead of buying it from the store. The more the system is used on a daily basis, the more CO2 footprint the user actively saves.

Because soda siphons use water straight from the tap, it  makes traditional store bought beverage bottles obsolete. That means less plastic manufactured, less plastic waste is created, and fewer bottled beverages must be transported from manufacturers to distributors to stores to homes. Globally, 206 billion liters of bottled water were consumed in 2008 (Zenith International Global Bottled Water Report, 2008). The energy required to make water bottles in the US only, is equivalent to 17 million barrels of oil (Container Recycling Institute, 2002).

According to the US Recycling Institute, more than 80% of bottles in the US do not get recycled and end up in landfills. Also, an estimated 4.7 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions were produced in the process of replacing the 134 billion bottles and cans not recycled in 2005.

Water bottles play a huge role in American culture, but they shouldn’t. We have the opportunity to offset the environmental damage numbers such as these bring. Unlike the tragedy in the gulf, we can do something about this! Soda siphons are a great solution and the flavors are endless! with an endless amount of syrups, your mixture is your own. One of the better soda siphons on the market is the Classic Glass soda siphons. Not only does it have a very retro design, and is aesthetically pleasing. It also funtions just like the old fashion kind, I find it to be among one of the better soda siphons on the market.

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Aspartame, Nutrasweet, Artifical Sweetener & Diet Soda

March 12, 2010

Friend me on MySpace… Aspartame, NutraSweet, Artifical Sweetener & Diet Soda Peter is the Chief Executive Officer and Wellness Director of Life Energy Holistic Par… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Soda Tax : Stay Out Of My Food

February 13, 2010

Jolene Sugarbaker talks about the alarming announcement from Governor Patterson of New York to charge a tax on Sugared beverages. The Soda Tax MUST BE STOPPED! This trend isn’t new, the government… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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How Much Money Could I Get For Recycling Soda Cans, Glass, And Plastic In California?

November 23, 2009

{questions} Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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Can You Get Money For Recycling Cans? I Don’t Mean The Soda Bottle Ones, I Mean The Food Cans Like Peas And

November 9, 2009

{questions} Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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