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Greetings kindred spirits and loving souls it is a pleasure to be with you once again, thank you for “tuning in”, blessings to you all. Today we’re going to follow Brother Echo on an adventure spanning the course of two days March 26th and 27th in the year 2010. First stop is Whole Foods to pick up some goodies for the kitchen including a delicious veggie treat for the dogs, “Bugsy Malone” and “Tazzy Girl”. If you can find and alternative to meat products for your pets, the planet and all the other animals in the world would like to say thank you! After the Whole Foods adventure we’re swiftly off to the Simi Valley farmers market to pick up some avocados and then we make a b-line for LOWE’s home improvement store to pick up gardening supplies (weapons of mass LOVE). You might find Brother Echo’s commentary once inside the LOWE’s home improvement center quite entertaining! Immediately after weapons of mass LOVE are procured from LOWE’s it’s back to the casa to begin tilling the soil for Brother Echo’s first outdoor garden. Overall this is 10 minutes of zigging and zagging with your always colorful and entertaining host Brother Echo Roberson. Stay tuned for future episodes throughout the summer (uploaded daily) to watch the Raw Sangha and Echo’s garden grow and propagate LOVE! Peace and blessings to all. -Spirit


Homemade Dog Food : How To Make Dog Treats With Baby Food

January 4, 2010

Baby food makes great dog treats, as they are portable, nutritious and can easily be opened for the dog to take a quick lick. Consider using baby food as positive reinforcement for training with in… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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