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Nasa says super solar storm coming in 2012. It could knock out all electricity on the planet! ***NEW UPDATE*** NASA has revised their prediction for solar maximum to now occur around mid-May of 2013 IMT


Warns of Laws Against Natural Health Products

June 3, 2010

Dr. Joseph Mercola has been practicing natural healing methods for over two decades. His website, is known as one of the most popular natural health websites in the world. provides the latest developments in the world of medicine, including the most controversial issues. One of those creating the most buzz is Bill C-51, […]

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Barroso Warns Russia, Ukraine On Gas Exports To Europe

March 26, 2010

Jose Manuel BARROSO, European Commission President, speaks in the European Parliament in Strasbourg and warns Russia and Ukraine on their gas exports to Europe. “I would like to convey a message to… Enjoyed this article?More information on Go Green Tips!

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