Can I recycle a very old cell phone?

June 16, 2010 · 0 comments

in recycling

Many environmental issues are dealt with by the upper-class (who can afford to) buy buying only fair-trade food, organic food and other such things like biodegradable items. But what do the guys do that cannot afford such luxuries? After all the cheapest things are generally the ones that a bad for you. From fast food, to heavy hazardous items. But the newest craze of mobile phone recycling is fantastic. You are doing your bit for the envirmonent and not only is it not costing you anything, but paying you to recycle!

Whilst mobile phone recycling is an issue that is finally getting the media coverage and attention it deserves, there is still a lot of gaps remaining in the process and so this means that consumers are now left at a rather painful loss as to what they should do. A common question posed by would be recyclers (at least, those of us who are actually willing to risk breaking social etiquette of asking a direct question) is can i recycle a very old cell phone?  The short answer, is a resounding yes…. The older the better, as they are the ones that will be less likely to degrade over time. Sure, you may get less for an old mobile, but at least you are getting something, and more importantly getting a little something for it.

You may look upon your cell phone and think that it is so decrypt that it belongs in a museum exhibition for the benefit of archeologists rather than for recycling, you may be embarrassed to send it off even. But rest assured, your phone can and will be put to good use by the recycling brigade who will either be able to strip it down to respective components and cannibalize them as appropriate or simply refurbish the phone. Things such as scratches and dent marks on the phone are not a major issue as these are entirely cosmetic and can be readily fixed with the intervention of a skilled technician.

In short, if you are in any doubt as to whether or not your mobile phone is capable of being recycled then simply hand it in to the relevant people. Go online and input some information, and with moments you will be able to see how much cash for your mobile phone you will get and what to do next. If they can get some benefit out of the device then they will gladly do so, if it is in such a poor state of repair which renders it utterly unusable, then you have at least acted in good faith and done your part to help further the cause.

Amy Shererson is a freelance article writer and has clients covering a wide range of topics.

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