T-shirt Plastic Bags and Other Bags Present New Recycling Challenges for Merchants Everywhere

April 23, 2010 · 0 comments

in recycling

How ironic it truly is that the plastic bag was originally introduced to the shopping public as an alternative replacement for paper bags that were contributing to global deforestation. This is because, recently plastic bags have found themselves in the cross hairs of these same environmentalist that are claiming that plastic bags aren’t being recycled, which in turn is causing them to become an environmental nuisance.

Larger Chain Stores

Some larger chain stores that have have so often found themselves on the wrong side with regards to sensitive community issues have been quick to play it safe and ban the bags in their stores all together. What they offer their customers in their stead is paper bags or cloth bags that they can purchase.

A Necessary Solution

One popular opinion that has has surfaced among clothing stores that use t shirt plastic bags and other shopping establishments that use similar style plastic bags, is that there is a solution to be found for the problem. Necessity has been the driving force behind great inspiration in the past and it is truly necessity that is at work on this problem.

Poor Customer Response to Cloth and Paper Bags

This is because customer surveys have found that cloth and paper alternatives aren’t being accepted as readily as stores that have implemented them have hoped for. Also, now that they have switched from t shirt plastic bags they are now stuck, because going back can leave them labeled “environmentally insensitive”. That is the last thing that they want and the reason that they switched in the first place.

A Possible Solution ?

Ironically what many merchants have found, is that by placing a plastic recycling bin on their premises they kill two birds with one stone. First they are identified by their local community as being environmentally responsibe and seen as expressing genuine concern for the problem. Also, it is something that is seen as a possible solution to the problem if it is adapted by enough of the merchants in a community.

Written by Tanya Faddelstein. Now you can find more info on Eco-Friendly Shopping Bags plus Plastic Bag Manufacturer

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