What is Sustainable Development

August 24, 2010 · 0 comments

in recycling

Sustainable development is a broad concept that refers to meeting the needs of people without hurting the environment. The concept covers meeting economic, environmental and social needs of everyone without hurting anyone or anything in the process.

What is sustainable development? The concept was brought to life and named by The World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987. Since it’s conception, the concept has become a major focus in the 1990s to the present time.

What is sustainable development related to hunger? The concept would attempt to make sure that all people have enough to eat no matter what their income is. Whether you are well off or live in absolute or relative poverty, you would legally have the right and the ability to purchase foods to provide you and your family with an adequate number of calories each day to maintain health.

What is sustainable development related to economics? All people in the workforce have a right to economic growth without undermining the environment, natural resources and the incomes of the next and future generations. Safeguards are put in place by the world government so that labor standards are put into effect along with mechanisms for compliance internationally. People that work with hazardous materials have rules to follow to keep themselves and the environment safe. People that work in high places must use safety equipment to ensure they don’t slip and fall. Accidents do happen; however, many times accidents are related to human error when the rules of safety are not followed correctly.

What is sustainable development related to food service? Domestic foods are regulated by the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN); it also regulates foods that are imported at the point where they were received into the US. The US Department of Agriculture and the FDA require that workers in the food service industry have people in place to educate and train all food handlers how to prevent food-born illnesses though applied safety measures.

What is sustainable development related to preventing food-born illnesses in the food industry? Foods meant to be served cold must sit in ice when left in the open. Staff is responsible for recording the temperature of food, and if the temperature falls below the safe zone it must be discarded at once. All foods left out in the open for the public to serve themselves, such as in a salad bar or a buffet must have a shield between the food and the customers that serve themselves. This shield is to prevent contamination from people breathing, sneezing or coughing.

What is sustainable development related to dairy and meat farming? Sustainable farming does not use practices such as giving antibiotics or hormones, and once processed, the meat cannot be irradiated. In factory farming animals are almost driven insane with fear and cramped conditions, but in sustainable farming the animals are treated humanely. What is sustainable development? It is all the things mentioned above and so much more.

Goals of Sustainable Development in Urban and Rural Industries

The goals of sustainable development concerning the world system are to promote freedom of sociopolitical expression, economic freedom, as well as to protect human rights. The Goals also include that the governments are willing to invest in their citizens health, education and welfare. Workers and business people in the urban and rural regions of the world join in a team effort to make a living while preserving economic and environmental resources.

The goals of sustainable development are to preserve raw materials, conserve our natural resources such as water and energy. Learning to be conservative starts at home; we can start by recycling or reusing the items that would be detrimental to the environment. Articles such as plastic bags, plastic bottles do nothing more than clog up the landfills. As an individual, you can help fulfill the goals of sustainable development by separating paper, plastics, aluminum, and glass; these items will be re-manufactured into new products.

In the workplace, the goals of sustainable development are similar; you may be asked to reduce waste in your job. One of the goals of sustainable development is conservation of energy. Everyone can conserve by shutting off lights that are not in use. Tossing out the old incandescent light bulbs and putting in the new energy saving light bulbs saves energy and lasts much longer. Some light bulbs last up to 5 years.

In farming businesses, where our food originates, are reaching goals of sustainable development by changing over from fossil fuels to renewable forms of energy. The approaches the farmers use to achieve the goals of sustainable development may differ from businesses in the urban sector. A cattle farmer may divide his pasture land into subdivisions so that the cows can graze on different sections of the land in a rotation. The advantage to doing this is to manage the integrity of the soil, and the cattle can get adequate food to promote weight gain. To provide shade and cut the wind, farmers sometimes plant trees; this helps the livestock and also prevents lost soil through soil erosion.

In the food farming business, goals are to preserve the integrity of the soil, control or eliminate pests, and produce large crops that produce a good income to take care of their families. Goals of sustainable development are quite broad; one goal is to plant more than one kind of crop. This is called diversification; unlike mono-farming, where the farmer grows one crop, the grower is more likely to make a good profit even if the weather doesn’t cooperate. A farmer that is banking on one crop may lose that crop and lose his income; however, a diversified farmer that grows two or more crops is more likely to have a good yield of at least one of his crops. The goals of sustainable development vary from industry to industry; but in the end the the goals are met to promote socioeconomic growth, while preserving the environment.

Marcilio David M.D. is a Cardiologist, Clinic Owner and Internet Entrepreneur. Get your FREE report, receive a tips newsletter and learn more about Sustainable Development by visiting: The Sustainable development Guide.

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